I tried to set a default memory Requests and limits for a namespace

I tried to set a default memory Requests and limits for a namespace

Clock Icon2022.12.05



Hi, I am Akshay Rao currently working in Annotation.
The kubernetes cluster is composed of namespaces. These namespaces can be given a default memory limits which can help the developers to create pods with out worrying about memory and the request limits and even need not to specify it in the deployment yml file . When a pod is created the namespace’s memory will be attached automatically.

Let's dig in

I am using minikube but this can be done on multiple nodes also.

Create a namespace

Start the minikube with minikube start
kubectl create namespace mem-space-250mb

Create a LimitRange and a Pod

create a yaml file to define the Limitrange vi default-memory.yml

apiVersion: v1
kind: LimitRange
 name: mem-limit-range
  - default:
     memory: 250Mi
     memory: 125Mi
    type: Container

esc-> :wq to write the file and quit
attach this file to our "mem-space-250mb" namespace
kubectl apply -f default-memory.yml --namespace=mem-space-250mb
to create a pod will write a file with vi pod-deployment.yml

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
 name: pod-for-250mb-space
 - name: ctr-mem-250mb
   image: nginx

i have not specified the memory request and limit in the file.
apply the deployment kubectl apply -f pod-deployment.yml --namespce=mem-space-250mb


verify the memory allocated automatically kubectl get pod pod-for-250mb-space --output=yaml --namespace=mem-space-250mb

the namespace's default memory is been allocated automatically to the pod.

Other combinations

What if the container limit is specifed but not the request

The request will match the memory limit of the pod.

What if the container request is specifed but no the limit

the namespace's default limit will be taken in to consideration.


I hope that the blog helps you to solve problem or confusion.
Thank you

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